Saturday, September 14, 2013

Castilla y León

The Way step by step is infinite fields with an endless blue horizon that seems to move further away in every move. It is only interrupted by sleepy towns which invite to rest from the heat. It is legs that resist to collapse and feet being sore by the Spaniard soil. Paths walked by others and still under construction. That's how the way is made by every step. 

This week we stopped in the city of Burgos. One that I have looked forward to visit. Wednesday was the day for us to be there. We did not only have the opportunity to have Mass in its magnificent gothic cathedral, but also we had great  treats  like a stage of the vuelta a España and free entries to the Human Evolution Museum.
Atapuerca, Burgos is an archeological treasure for the world. It teaches us that human beings are much similar to each other than different. Races, colors, languages, sizes are only variants of environmental adaptations. 

We must break into two halves el camino today with two weeks of steps towards Santiago. 

My strength comes from whom I seek. It is The Lord! He is the origin and destiny. He is higher than my strength and the owner of el camino and my steps. He never denies so much good to whom seeks him

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